
Sunday, June 12, 2011

No Idea?

You have no idea how to make your doll look unique?
We could give you some starters:
1) Find a facial item that you would of never used before
(ex. we used that mouth)
2) Change the other facial items until you get something that looks realistic.
(don't forget to change the face shape and the eyebrows, they give a whole new look to the face, and you can also change the skin color because some facial items do not suite all colors the same)(ex. we changed the nose, eyes, eyebrows, skin color and lip color. There is no make-up yet)
See how she looks prettier now?
3) Make-up and hair that fit the face.

And voile! Even the things you would never put on your me-doll looks super hot! Isn't she pretty and unique?

(The look is completely non-superstar if you have some make-up. The skin color is for superstar, but other skin colors will do.)

So please, do not copy, cause you won't be unique, follow these steps, and you will! :)
Sincerely, the USM crew!